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Do you find the high-life world fascinating? Have you ever dreamed of helping the stars become superstars? Then image consulting should be the first of your career options. Read through here to understand how you can capitalize on your inborn talent for being fashionable and turn it into a profession.
Image consulting has long been considered one of the most illustrious lines of work in the world. What everyday people do not know or realize is that the stars they see on TV have a lot of people working with them to make them the icons that they appear to be. In fact, every celebrity is actually an industry on their own. They often have a number of people working for them, handling different aspects of their business and image consultants are among the most important.
Read MoreSince the dawn of the new age in entertainment and cinema, there has been an ever-growing need for professionals who can help stars manage their celebrity. However, it is not just entertainment icons that are in need of image consultancy. As a matter of fact, many people these days seek out the services of image consultants when they start to be part of the public limelight. Even others who are not in the spotlight can often find the need for image consultancy because of the sheer pressure they feel to present themselves in a certain way.
As a result, image consulting has become a really popular line of work that is not only financially rewarding but also socially enriching. Who would not like to say that they rub shoulders with some of the most well-known performers in the country? Who would mind having their stylistic advice being followed by some fashion icon when they appear on TV? These are just a few of the many reasons why Image Consulting has become a popular professional field.
What is the Scope of Image Consulting in India?The Indian entertainment and movie industry is growing by leaps and bounds. With the rise the media coverage of prominent social events and a growing class of affluent people all over the country, Image Consultants are in very high demand. Since they often work with rich and affluent people, the salaries drawn by Image Consultants is also considerably high.
At the same time, a good image consultant can look forward to making a semi-personal relationship with many of their clients. This often results in the development of contacts within any industry that can be very useful in the future. So, a good image consultant with some years of experience under their belt is mostly a highly-paid well-connected individual who can exercise a certain degree of influence on their clients.
Who Should Go For An Image Consulting Course?While working as an image consultant might sound like something very exciting, it does require a very specific set of skills. Moreover, these skills need to be further refined at an educational institution that provides quality training in Image Consulting.
While you can definitely learn these skills, it is best if you have them by nature. This is so because the understanding of public perception and private personalities is something that not even the best social psychologists can excel at understanding unless they have a natural talent for it.
Obviously, these skills and abilities come in very handy when you start your education as an image consultant. At the same time, your choice of institution makes a lot of difference in this regard. A good Image consulting institution will be able to help you acquire these skills and make them professionally applicable. But a great Image Consulting institution like IWP will be able to help you acquire these skills, develop them and refine them in the ultimate sense to deliver exceptional image consulting services to your clients.
Now, let us have a look at the image consulting course that is taught at IWP. This will help you understand how you can benefit from this course and begin a successful career as an Image Consultant.
What Does the Diploma in Image Consulting Course at IWP Offer?The IWP image consulting course was created in response to a rapid demand for quality consulting by students as well as the overall market. The course is extremely in-depth and includes all possible aspects of the field that any student might need in their professional career. Let's take a look at some of the most important aspects of the course that you will be studying here:
Concept of Image : Every line of study begins with an evaluation of the basics. In image consulting, this refers to the idea of the image. Every image is based on an ideology. It is what the photographers try to capture in each image. This is essentially what makes celebrities rick and famous. So, understanding the basics of image consulting is very important not just from a professional perspective but also from a personal point-of-view. No one will look to you for their image consulting if your own representation is not on-point.
Personality Traits : When you consider the image of an icon, you have to consider the personality that the image itself represents. Without a certain overt personality to capture the image with, the celebrity will not have any of the mystique that makes them what they are. Naturally, being able to identify the personality traits that are best in any client will enable you to help them portray these in the brightest light. That is why IWP students learn to not just examine and evaluate personality traits but also learn presentation with perfection.
Lifestyle Analysis : Since celebrities are constantly being hounded by paparazzi even when they are being regular humans, their lifestyle has major significance. All things they do come together to make a whole of what they are and represent. So, celebrities and social luminaries need to especially cautious about how they present themselves. As an IWP Image Consulting student, you will learn how to advise clients on how to present themselves everywhere they go. This will further their objective of always being presentable and fashionable.
Clothing Co-ordination : If you go by fashion psychologists, then you understand that every item of clothing or apparel has a certain impact on the viewers. Naturally, this also affects the wearer and for celebrities, this is very important. Whether a client is going to a fashionable event or simply about on personal errands, they will need your image consulting advice to make their best appearance. IWP students are taught how to beautify their clients while also keeping in mind their personal preferences. By walking the fine line between personal fashion sense and sensationally-inclined styles, you will provide the kind of image consulting that they are looking for.
Colour Concept : Coming in close with the idea of clothing coordination is colour concept. Everyone knows that different colours have a different impact on the viewer. Understanding which colour has what kind of an effect on the viewer is essential for framing the perfect image. At the same time, it is vital to understand how these colours come together to create a certain feel or vibe. As an image consulting student at IWP, you will be learning the basics of colour use and understand how they can be combined to best fit your clients.
Developing Personal Styles : Personal style is what separates the best from the rest and keeps celebs in vogue throughout their careers. Every person has their own sense of style and understanding of what fits them best. As an IWP Image consulting student, you will learn how to help your clients develop their own personal sense of style. This will involve helping them understand what works best for them in terms of clothing, accessories, body language, style of speech and many other factors. These will come together to help your client create their persona when in public and with company.
Body, Face and Shape Analysis : They say that every person's fingerprint is different. So, it is only natural for every person's facial and bodily features to be different as well. Naturally, as an IWP image consulting graduate you will be working with a lot of different clients. Not all of them will have flawless bodies and some may not even want to change, even if that would be for the better. So, at IWP you will be taught how to modify the style you want to implement according to the comfort and need of your clients. This will further help you create a distinct identity for all your clients based on who they are and what they look like.
Wardrobe Evaluation : The clothes we wear have a huge impact on the way people look at us in society. As an image consultant, it will be your job to consider what kind of clothes your client is currently wearing. Evaluating their own sense of style will help you further narrow down what kind of clothing they are comfortable with and how you can provide them with better options. This must be done on the basis of their comfort levels so either the client will need some counselling or you will need to modify your approach to suit their tastes.
Image Management : When it comes to stars, celebrities and other social luminaries, image management becomes a very important thing. This is so because every such person represents something and must carry the weight of that along with them. So, as an Image Consultant, you will be required to maintain and enhance the image of your client. This will require knowledge of their respective field and will often involve deep analysis of the most dominant trends. At the same time, you must factor in what the client wants to portray. At IWP, you will learn how to holistically manage your client's image keeping in mind all the above factors. This will further help you present your client in the fairest of lights and build their brand image.
Hair, Skin and Makeup Analysis : Everybody wants to look fab and feel rad. However, not everybody is capable of pulling this off all the time. In fact, celebs often employ professionals with very specific skills to help them appear at their best. As an image consultant, you will be expected to evaluate the hair, skin and makeup on your client before they go out on stage or appear at any event. For this, you will learn from our image consulting experts how to define and refine the kind of appearance your client wants to make. Learn this will require you to put all your consulting knowledge to use in one go and also pick up on the personal preferences of your clients.
Everybody wants to look fab and feel rad. However, not everybody is capable of pulling this off all the time. In fact, celebs often employ professionals with very specific skills to help them appear at their best. As an image consultant, you will be expected to evaluate the hair, skin and makeup on your client before they go out on stage or appear at any event. For this, you will learn from our image consulting experts how to define and refine the kind of appearance your client wants to make. Learn this will require you to put all your consulting knowledge to use in one go and also pick up on the personal preferences of your clients.
As you know, IWP is one of the most celebrated educational institutions for women in India. The courses we offer are among the most holistic and enable students to start successful careers as soon as they graduate. Moreover, we offer placement services which have a high degree of success and help students launch their careers on the perfect note. So, if you are looking for an institution that can provide you with perfect training and help you launch your career into the stars, then IWP is the place for you! Contact us today and frame your image consulting career to perfection!